Field Trip Obedience (Intermediate – Advanced)
The Field Trip Group Obedience class is by RSVP Only. ** Please see Our Current Class Schedule for days / times of this class. Limited class size. Class locations vary throughout Orange County.
This class will take you and your dog to distracting locations including shopping centers, malls, parks, the beach, etc.
Prerequisite: You must have attended at least six (6) of our Intermediate Group Obedience classes. Please get a working dog vest for your dog for this class. (You can get one at activedogs.com They can also sew on patches for you such as "In Training" and "Do Not Pet" or "Ask To Pet", etc.)
Sign up for the month's classes via e-mail
at caroline@siriusk9training.com and to get the class locations for the month.
Instructor: Caroline Haldeman.
Class Dates:
Please see our Current Class Schedule page for
class dates / times.
Cost: $30. per session
You can sign up and
pay for this class on our Web site!