
We offer Obedience Evaluations
(For dogs that have had prior professional training elsewhere)
beyond just simple Pet Store training, like Petco and Petsmart, so you know where you fit in at our facility. If your dog has had prior professional training elsewhere, please visit "Our Tests" page to see our obedience tests and put your dog through our tests first, so you know where you stand before you request an eval. If your dog cannot pass our basic obedience test, then you would begin with basic obedience with private lessons, our basic obedience class, or in-kennel training. Tests

Please contact us to purchase one.
(Makes a really great, unique, and special gift for your dog loving friends!:-)


Sirius K9 Academy Current Class Training Schedule
(Updated 02/10/2025)
(SATURDAY or SUNDAY Late Afternoons)
This extremely fun group meet up is for Sirius K9 Clients Only! This is an awesome thing for dogs that need confidence building, have dog aggression / social issues / and for those that just want to be able to go out and enjoy the great outdoors with like-minded savvy dog owners.
Instructor: N/A
Cost: No charge!
Location: Hiking Trails located throughout O.C.
Prerequisites: Dogs must have passed our Basic Obedience Test as well as have attended at least 4 of our Intermediate OB classes in order to participate in this group meet up. Sign up if you'd like to attend.
Next Class Dates: Contact us to be added to the month's meet up.
Please email us to be added to the list at info@siriusk9training.com
~ K9 SEARCH CLASS On-going class
(Held In The Evenings / Class Days Vary) (Classes are approximately two hours each)
GIVE YOUR DOG A REALLY FUN JOB!! Teach your dog to use their greatest asset, their NOSE!, and put it to good use!! ... Finding YOU! in total darkness in one of our enormous k9 training buildings! This very unique and extremely fun class will help your k9 partner's confidence and search skills, as well as build a stronger relationship and bond with your dog. This is also an amazing foundation for protection dogs, search and rescue dogs, and tracking dogs!
Instructor: Caroline Haldeman
Cost: $40. per class
Location: At one of our many K9 training buildings in Orange County.
Prerequisites: Dogs must be friendly and social and have no human aggression, and must be able to pass our Basic Obedience Test (at the minimum) in order to participate in this class. Any dog that has not trained with us prior must have its obedience evaled first, to check temperament as well as your dog's obedience skills. (The Obedience Test Requirements are waived for dogs under 5 months of age. Puppies must have had at least 2 series of DHPP vaccinations administered by a veterinarian or vet tech to participate.)
Next Class Dates: BY RSVP ONLY
Please email to RSVP for the current month's search classes at info@siriusk9training.com
Sundays in the early afternoon
(4-week course)
(One-hour classes)
This class will help prepare your dog for our Basic Obedience Group Class. Your puppy will learn how to focus, sit, down, wait, walk on a loose lead, respond to his/her name, greet people and dogs politely, we will do confidence building exercises, and more! This is a very fun and motivational class!
Instructor: Dave Snope
Cost: $200.
Location: Held on the border of Yorba Linda and Placentia at a private location that is outdoors, but is fully covered and is on concrete (very safe for your young pup to be on.)
Next class projected start date: Next pup class is projected to begin EARLY MARCH 2025 Please email us everything below to be added to the next puppy class roster! (We have a 6 puppy maximum per class!)
Class Prerequisites: 1. - Puppies must be between 10 - 15 weeks old. ** If your puppy is 16 weeks or older, please sign up for our Basic Group Obedience class.** 2. - To attend this class, all puppies must have had at least their second series of DHPP (or DAPP) vaccinations administered by a veterinarian or vet tech (self-administered vaccinations will not be accepted, in order to protect your dog as well as the other dogs in class.) Please email us your dog's vaccination records which are on your vet's letterhead and shows that your dog has received 2 sets of vaccinations (and the dates he/she received them) and the date they are next due to info@siriusk9training.com 3. - A ‘Health Clearance Letter’ from your veterinarian stating your dog is (internally and externally) parasite free, is disease free, is healthy and injury free, and does not have anything contagious (is infection and virus free.) ** The Health Clearance Letter must be on your vet's letterhead and signed and dated by your veterinarian. Please email the letter to us to info@siriusk9training.com 4. - You must sign up for this class on our website under "Sign Up For A Class"
On-going class
SATURDAY mornings (and also sometimes on week nights.) (One-Hour Class)
** See our Seminars Page for more information about our next Intermediate Obedience Test date.
By RSVP Only!
This class will help prepare your dog for the CGC and Therapy Dog test, our Intermediate Obedience test, our Field Trip and Group Hike Meet Up classes as well as for our protection training classes.
Location: Held in Yorba Linda
Attendance: You can attend as often as your schedule allows!
Instructor: Caroline Haldeman
Cost per class: $25
Prerequisite: Your dog must be able to pass our Basic Obedience Test to attend this class. If your dog hasn’t been tested by us or been to our facility before, you must schedule an evaluation first (if you are confident that your dog can pass our Basic Obedience Test as described and demonstrated under "Our Tests" here on our website.)
To RSVP for this class, please email us at info@siriusk9training.com to be put on the class roster. When RSVP'ing, please provide your first and last name & dog's name, as well as when you completed our basic class (or were tested out of our basic level by one of our trainers) and when you completed the Intermediate OB Intro class in the message. We will then keep you posted of the dates of the classes as well as the class location. Thanks.
** Before attending your first Intermediate Obedience Class with us, you must first attend one of our Intermediate Intro Classes with one of our trainers to go over the new exercises with you and your dog. Please contact us to set up an Intermediate OB Intro lesson at info@siriusk9training.com
** Visit our "Our Tests" link here on the website to see where your dog fits in with us if you have trained elsewhere or to see what your dog will learn in this class.
(5-week course)
SUNDAYS We generally have 2 classes, one at 10am, another at Noon.
NEXT OPEN BASIC GROUP CLASS REGISTRATION: Sunday MARCH 9th, 2025 Register ASAP to reserve a spot, these will fill very quickly.
We encourage you to do at least one private lesson now if you need help with your dog's behavior prior to our next Basic classes starting so you can begin working on any issues right away. Our Basic classes are held at a fully covered location, out of the hot sun and out of any rain!
We start new classes about once per month. However, these classes fill extremely fast, often many weeks in advance.
Those that complete their registrations and pay for the class early, get first dibs on class time preference once we select a new class date. We will contact those that have completed their registrations as soon as we select the next date.
Each class size is only 6 dogs maximum!
Location: Held in or right near the border of Yorba Linda at one of our private training locations. (The exact address is given once you have registered.)
Instructors: Linda Dieringer and Philip Justice
Cost: $300 per dog for the class. You may pay for the class via our website's "Make A Payment" link with paypal, or with venmo or zelle (please ask us for the link to zelle or venmo and we will send you the direct link to make a payment.) We need the class payment before the class starts and to add you to the class roster and to reserve a spot. You are not registered for the class until we get your class payment.
To see what you and your dog will learn in this class, please visit "Our Tests" page and click on "Basic Obedience Test" here on our website. We have video clips of each exercise you and your dog will have to complete in order to earn your certificate on the last day of our 5-week course.
Class Prerequisites:
Dogs must be a minimum of 4 months of age or older and have completed all DHPP (or DAPP) puppy series vaccinations to attend this class (which must have been administered by a veterinarian or vet tech - shots administered by someone who is not a vet tech or veterinarian will not be accepted, in order to protect your dog as well as the other dogs in class.) The Rabies vaccination is also required if your dog is 6 months of age or older (not required if under 6 months.)
**All information below must be received to complete your registration;
A. Handler & Dog Info
1. First and Last Name of those that will be handling the dog in class from your family that are 18 or older (include yourself if you will handling the dog also): You can put just you, if it will just be you.
2. Name and age of anyone under 18 that will be attending class: You can put "n/a" if you will not be bringing any children.
3. City you live in:
4. Contact Phone # and if its OK to text if needed:
5. Best email(s) for you (where we can send class homework and class details):
6. Dog's Name:
7. Dog's Age:
8. Dog's Sex:
9. Dog's Breed:
10. From where you got your dog (i.e. breeder, shelter, rescue, friend, craigslist, etc.):
11. How long you have had your dog:
12. Please list ALL current concerning dog behaviors you'd like to address with your dog (include any aggression / reactivity issues towards other dogs and/or people if present and describe in detail):
13. Your short and long term goals for you and your dog:
14. Which classs time you prefer (10am or Noon):
B. The full class fee ($300) submitted either via our website under "Make A Payment" (link on the lefthand side of our website), or using venmo or zelle (which we can send you a link to upon request.)
C. Your dog's current DHPP (or DAPP) vaccination records on your vet's letterhead (or Titer Tests) administered by your veterinarian sent via email by you or your vet (and Rabies certificate if 6 months or older.) Our email is info@siriusk9training.com
D. How you found us or who referred you to us (so we can thank them :)
** Once we receive everything above from you, you will receive a confirmation email from us letting you know that are registered for the class. You will also receive an email from us with class time options that are available at the time of your completed basic class registration. All of the class details, including class location, equipment needed, etc., will be sent approximately two weeks prior to the start of class via email.
On-going class
(On Sundays afternoons and sometimes on a weeknight) (One-Hour class)
Next Class Dates: By RSVP Only!
Class locations: Locations vary throughout Orange County.
Instructor: Caroline Haldeman.
Cost: $35. per session.
This class will take you and your dog to distracting locations including shopping centers, malls, parks, the beach, etc. This class is great for dogs that are easily distracted!
Prerequisite: Your dog must be able to pass our Basic Obedience Test and must have attended at least four (4) of our Intermediate Group Obedience classes to attend this class.
** Please get a Working Dog vest for your dog for this class (with patches that state "In Training".) Visit activedogs.com to get one, they have many options. They can also sew on patches for you, we recommend you get "In Training" and "Do Not Pet" or "Ask To Pet" - if your dog is friendly.
To RSVP for this class, please email us at info@siriusk9training.com to be put on the class roster.
On-going class
(On a weeknight - Class nights vary)
(One-hour class)
Next Class Dates: By RSVP only!
Location: Held at an outdoor location in Yorba Linda.
Prerequisite: Your dog must be able to pass both our Basic and our Intermediate Obedience Tests to attend this class. If your dog hasn’t been tested or been to our facility before, you must schedule an evaluation first so that we can test your dog in person to make sure he/she meets these minimum requirements.
Instructor: Caroline Haldeman
Cost: $30. per session.
Visit our "Our Tests" page to see what your dog will learn in this class!
To register, please e-mail us at info@siriusk9training.com
On-going class
(This class is usually held on Saturday or Sunday evenings) (Each class is 2 - 4 hrs long, depending on the number of dogs)
Training Location: Locations vary throughout OC, but are mostly held in or near Yorba Linda.
Class Dates: BY RSVP ONLY.
Instructor: Caroline Haldeman Decoys: David Feliciano and Doug DeCastro
** Protection evaluations are $30. and last approximately one to two hours in length.
Class Fee after your dog has been evaluated: $40. per session/class.
** "Per Session" means per class. Each class lasts between 2 - 4 hours, depending on the number of dogs there.
Class Prerequisites: Please click on our "Protection Training" Link on the left to see all the requirements for this class.
All dogs must not only meet Our Obedience Requirements, but must also be social, confident, and possess the proper temperament and drives for protection work. Dogs that are human-aggressive, have weak nerves, are fearful or overly timid are not good candidates for protection work. If your dog doesnt LOVE to play tug with you anywhere anytime and wont chase a rag at any opportunity, then we will not eval your dog for protection work. They must possess this natural drive and desire to be able to do protection work.
Dogs must also be at least 4 months of age and be current and done with all puppy (DHPP or DAPP) series vaccinations (which must have been administered by a veterinarian or vet tech - no self administered vaccinations) as well as Rabies if over 6 months of age. Vaccination records must be provided to us prior to the evaluation via email to info@siriusk9training.com.
** No one under 18 years of age is allowed at our protection classes **
To RSVP for this class; Please email us at info@siriusk9training.com
(Beginner – Advanced)
(Early Early Mornings)
Via a Scheduled Private Lesson with Dave.
All breeds and ages welcome!
Instructor: Dave Snope
Cost: $100. per lesson
We will teach you and your dog the fundamentals of foot step tracking. This is fun and challenging and is very rewarding... A great job for your dog!
Please e-mail us at info@siriusk9training.com to sign up.
We provide In-Kennel Training (Boot Camp) for your convenience! We limit our in-kennel dogs to minimize stress and to assure each dog gets plenty of individual attention! DOGS IN FOR IN-KENNEL TRAINING STAY AT THE HOMES OF OUR TRAINERS! You must sign up well in advance to assure your dog a spot. We offer in-kennel training for the following: OBEDIENCE TRAINING (ALL LEVELS), THERAPY DOG TRAINING, TRACKING, CGC TEST PREP, PUPPY MANNERS / PUPPY IMPRINTING, REMOTE COLLAR TRAINING, AND MORE! Please visit our "Boarding / Training" link on the left for more details or contact us to set up boarding or in-kennel training for your dog.
Sirius K9 also offers (1) hour Private One on One Lessons at your home or office, or at our designated location in Yorba Linda! We offer private lessons for the following; OBEDIENCE TRAINING (ALL LEVELS), BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION, FEAR, DOMINANCE, HUMAN / ANIMAL AGGRESSION, TRACKING, REMOTE COLLAR TRAINING, AND MORE! Please visit our "Private Lesson" link on the left for more details or contact us to set up your private lesson.